PIM vs PXM: What’s the Difference?


In today’s fast-paced world of ecommerce, managing product information and creating engaging product experiences are crucial for retailers worldwide. Two terms that often come up when discussing ecommerce technology are Product Information Management (PIM) and Product Experience Management (PXM). In this article, we will aim to compare PIM vs PXM, explore their benefits and look at how to choose the right solution for your business.

Understanding PIM and PXM

Before diving into the differences, it is essential to understand what PIM and PXM entail and how they relate to managing product information and enhancing customer experiences.

Product Information Management (PIM) and Product Experience Management (PXM) are two important elements of any successful ecommerce strategy. With the rise of online shopping and the increasing demand for personalised experiences, retailers need to have robust PIM and PXM tactics in place to stay competitive in the market.

Defining Product Information Management (PIM)

Product Information Management (PIM) refers to the process of collecting, organising, and managing product data and related digital asset management (read more on PIM vs DAM) across various channels and touchpoints. A PIM system acts as a central repository for all product information, including descriptions, images, videos, and technical specifications.

With a PIM solution in place, retailers can ensure that their product data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date across all channels, including ecommerce websites, marketplaces, and social media platforms. This helps to improve the overall customer experience by providing customers with the information they need to make informed purchase decisions.

Claudia Martins, Business Development Advisor at Bluestone PIM explains:

“With the use of a dedicated Product Information Management (PIM) system and managing all product information in a centralised location, companies can see benefits such as the elimination of data silos, reduction of data errors, automation of data entry work, faster time-to-market, team collaboration improvement, brand consistency, and overall increment of sales revenue.”

Further benefits of PIM include facilitating seamless collaboration between teams and different business departments such as marketing, sales, and IT. This ensures that everyone is working with the same product data, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

A robust PIM solution helps businesses improve the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of their product data, ultimately leading to better product discovery and increased conversions.

Defining Product Experience Management (PXM)

Product Experience Management, or PXM, goes one step further by focusing not only on product data management but also on creating personalised and engaging product experiences for customers. PXM encompasses all the aspects of a product’s interaction with consumers, from discovery and evaluation to purchase and post-purchase support.

This approach involves optimising content, layout, and design to adapt to different customer segments, channels and geographic regions, ensuring a consistent and immersive experience throughout the customer journey. PXM solutions use customer data and insights to create personalised experiences that resonate with customers, increasing engagement and loyalty.

By leveraging PXM, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors by providing a unique and memorable customer experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

In conclusion, while PIM focuses on managing product data, PXM takes it a step further by enhancing the use of product information to create personalised and engaging product experiences for customers. Both are key components of the most successful ecommerce strategies, and retailers who have the time and resources to do so should consider investing in robust PIM and PXM solutions to stay ahead of their competition.

Key Differences Between PIM and PXM

Now that we have a basic understanding of both PIM and PXM let’s explore the main differences between the two approaches.

Data Management and Organisation

While both PIM and PXM deal with product data, PIM primarily focuses on data collection, management and organisation. In contrast, PXM builds upon a solid PIM foundation, incorporating additional elements to enrich and optimise product experiences across different channels and touchpoints.

A PIM system centralises data storage and offers a single source of truth, while PXM brings this data to life with engaging visuals, layouts, and personalised content.

Customer Experience Focus

The primary focus of PIM is data quality and management. For PXM, however, the focus is to enhance customer experiences by creating relevant, engaging and personalised product interactions. This includes leveraging data insights, creative elements and contextual information to tailor product presentations and content to specific customer segments and preferences – ultimately driving customer engagement, loyalty and conversions.

Integration with Other Systems

Both PIM and PXM systems rely on integrations with other enterprise platforms, such as ecommerce, marketing and data analytics tools. However, PXM often demands a higher level of integration with these systems in order to provide the necessary data and assets for delivering personalised product experiences. This means that PXM requires robust APIs and seamless connectivity capabilities to connect and exchange data with multiple tools, ensuring a consistent product presentation across all channels.

User Roles and Permissions

PIM systems primarily cater to the needs of teams responsible for data management, while PXM solutions accommodate additional user roles, including content creators, marketers, and channel managers. PXM platforms often come with more advanced user permission settings, allowing businesses to define detailed access rights and approval workflows. This enables each user can effectively contribute to the overall product experience creation process.

Benefits of PIM and PXM

It’s important to realise that PIM and PXM are not mutually exclusive. Claudia Martins outlines:

“Product Experience Management (PXM) is a strategy for creating a compelling product experience. Product Information Management (PIM), on the other hand, is the most important element of a successful product experience management strategy. PIM software enables the creation of a single source of truth for managing product data across multiple selling platforms.”

Implementing a robust PIM and/or PXM solution can result in numerous advantages for businesses. Some of the benefits of PIM and PXM include:

Improved Product Data Quality

Consistent and accurate product data is crucial for driving consumer trust and conversions. Both PIM and PXM solutions facilitate centralising and standardising product data, reducing the chances of discrepancies and errors while promoting efficient data management, ultimately leading to improved product data quality.

Enhanced Customer Experience

PXM solutions specifically focus on creating engaging, relevant and tailored product experiences that resonate with target customers. By optimising content, presentation and design based on customer preferences, PXM helps businesses stand out from the competition and foster customer loyalty through unique and immersive experiences.

Streamlined Product Launches

Using PIM and PXM solutions, businesses can shorten time-to-market, as these systems enable teams to quickly and efficiently upload, update and distribute product data and content across various channels. Faster and more accurate product data synchronisation translates to streamlined product launches and increased sales potential.

Increased Collaboration and Efficiency

Both PIM and PXM systems promote seamless collaboration between different teams and departments, streamlining workflows and communications. By consolidating data management, content creation and distribution processes in one place, these solutions contribute to overall operational efficiency and productivity.

Dr Pat Violaris, Managing Director at OneTimePIM goes further: 

“Retailers require a holistic approach to product experience management that goes beyond PIM. This approach should consider other factors such as customer data, user experience design, content management and analytics. By combining these factors, retailers can create truly compelling and personalised product experiences.”

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

With several PIM and PXM options available in the market, selecting the ideal solution for your business may seem overwhelming. Here’s a step-by-step approach to guide your decision-making process:

Assessing Your Business Needs

Begin by evaluating your existing product data and customer experience management processes. Identify the challenges your business faces and outline your objectives and goals. This will help you determine whether a PIM, PXM, or a combined solution best aligns with your requirements.

Choosing the right PIM system

Evaluating PIM and PXM Vendors

Beyond just comparing features, consider factors like scalability, support for integrations, vendor reputation, and pricing when assessing potential PIM and PXM providers. Opt for a solution that best fits your business size, industry, and growth projections.

Further reading: How to Choose the Right PIM System for Your Business

Implementation and Adoption Considerations

Before committing to a solution, consider the implementation timeline, costs, and any required customizations. Additionally, ensure your team is prepared for the adoption process through adequate training and ongoing support from the vendor. Our guide on PIM implementation best practices might be of interest.

Examples of PIM and PXM in Action

To illustrate the benefits of PIM and PXM solutions, let’s take a look at two hypothetical case studies:

PIM Success Story: Company A

Company A, a leading retailer, faced challenges in managing their growing product database and distributing accurate and consistent product data across multiple channels. By implementing a PIM solution that centralised data management, Company A managed to streamline workflows, improve data quality and reduce their time-to-market, resulting in a significant increase in online sales.

PXM Success Story: Company B

Company B, a global consumer electronics brand, wanted to elevate the online experiences for their diverse customer base. By adopting a PXM solution, they were able to optimise their product content, presentation and design based on customers’ preferences and browsing habits. This personalisation led to higher engagement rates, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, increased sales revenues.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between PIM and PXM is crucial for businesses looking to optimise their product data management and deliver outstanding customer experiences. By carefully assessing your needs and considering the key differences and benefits of PIM vs PXM, you can choose the ideal solution to drive productivity, efficiency and sales growth.

Further Reading


What is PIM?

Product Information Management (PIM) is a tool used to centrally manage and distribute product data across various channels. It involves organising and enriching product information, such as descriptions, images, and specifications, and then distributing that information to various channels, such as websites, online marketplaces, and print catalogues.

What is PXM?

Product Experience Management (PXM) is a broader term that encompasses all aspects of the customer experience with a product. It includes managing and optimising all touchpoints throughout the customer journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase support. PXM encompasses not just product data, but also the emotional and experiential aspects of a product, such as branding, design, and customer reviews.

What is the difference between PIM and PXM?

PIM focuses on managing and distributing product information, while PXM encompasses all aspects of the customer experience with a product. PIM is more internally focused, while PXM is customer-centric.

Why is PIM important?

PIM is important because it allows businesses to efficiently manage and distribute product information across various channels, reducing errors and inconsistencies, improving time-to-market and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Why is PXM important?

PXM is important because it allows businesses to manage and optimise all touchpoints throughout the customer journey, creating a cohesive and engaging brand experience that builds customer loyalty and drives revenue growth.

Which one should I choose for my business?

The choice between PIM and PXM depends on your specific business needs and goals. If you primarily need to manage and distribute product data, PIM may be the better choice. If you want to create a cohesive and engaging brand experience across all touchpoints, including product data, then PXM may be the better choice.

Can I use PIM and PXM together?

Yes, PIM and PXM are complementary tools that can be used together to create a comprehensive product management and customer experience strategy. By using PIM to manage and distribute product data, and PXM to manage and optimise all touchpoints throughout the customer journey, businesses can create a seamless and engaging brand experience that drives revenue growth.
