How to Choose the Right PIM System for Your Business

Choosing the right PIM system

Selecting the right Product Information Management (PIM) system for your retail business is a crucial step towards more efficient data management and streamlined product workflows. This guide will help you understand PIM software, assess your business needs and evaluate various PIM options to make the best choice for your company.

Understanding PIM Systems

A PIM system is a software platform that helps retailers manage their product information efficiently. Before diving into the process of choosing the right PIM tool, it’s essential to understand some key aspects of PIM.

What is a PIM System?

A Product Information Management (PIM) system is a software solution that enables businesses to store, manage and update their product data in a central location. This technology helps retailers create consistent and accurate product content across various sales channels and streamline their internal data management processes.

Benefits of Product Information Management (PIM)

Benefits of Implementing a PIM System

Implementing a PIM comes with numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved data quality, and better user experience for both internal stakeholders and customers. Some other benefits of a PIM system include:

  • Centralised data management: PIM systems consolidate product data from multiple sources, helping retailers maintain consistent and up-to-date information.
  • Automated workflows: PIM solutions can automate various tasks, such as bulk updates and data validation, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Improved collaboration: With a PIM system, teams can work together on product content, ensuring that all departments have access to the same, accurate information.
  • Enhanced data analytics: PIM systems offer rich data analytics and reporting tools, enabling businesses to make more informed decisions and optimise their product strategies.

Common Features of PIM Systems

Although PIM systems may vary in their specific offerings, most solutions share a set of core features. Some common functionalities include:

  • Data import and export: PIM systems can import data from various sources and export it in different formats to meet channel-specific requirements.
  • Product data organisation: PIM solutions offer robust categorisation and search capabilities, making it easy for users to find and organize product information.
  • Data validation and quality control: PIMs often include tools for ensuring data accuracy and completeness, such as automated validation checks and alerts for missing information.
  • Workflow management: a good PIM platform will typically provide customisable workflows, allowing businesses to create and manage their product content processes efficiently.
  • Localisation and translation: Many PIM systems offer multi-language support, enabling businesses to manage their product content for various international markets.

Assessing Your Business Needs

Each business has unique data challenges and goals, so it’s critical to assess your specific needs before selecting a PIM system. This process involves identifying your product data challenges, evaluating your current data management processes and setting goals among several best practices for PIM implementation.

Identifying Your Product Data Challenges

One of the first steps in assessing your business needs is to identify the major product data challenges you’re currently facing. Some common issues include:

  • Inconsistent data across channels: If your product information is inconsistent on various platforms, it can negatively impact your brand image and customer experience.
  • Data silos: Having multiple data repositories can hinder collaboration and lead to inefficiencies and errors.
  • Manual data management: Relying on manual processes for managing product data can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Insufficient data insights: Without data analytics capabilities, retailers may struggle to make informed decisions and optimise their product strategies.

Evaluating Your Current Data Management Process

Analysing your current data management process involves examining how data is collected, stored, updated and shared between different teams and systems. This information will help you understand the gaps in your existing process and determine the features you need in a PIM solution to address these shortcomings.

Setting Goals for Your PIM Implementation

Having a clear vision of the outcomes you want to achieve with your PIM system is crucial for driving its successful implementation. Consider setting goals such as:

  • Improving data accuracy and consistency: A PIM system should help you maintain accurate, up-to-date information across all channels.
  • Increasing efficiency: PIM implementation should streamline workflows and reduce the amount of time spent on manual data management tasks.
  • Enhancing collaboration: A PIM solution should improve collaboration between different departments, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to consistent product information.
  • Expanding to new markets: If your business has plans for international expansion, your PIM system should support localisation and translation features.

As with setting any kind of business goal, it’s worth ensuring that your PIM objectives are SMART goals – meaning they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a PIM System

When evaluating different PIM solutions, keep in mind several key factors that can ultimately influence the success of your implementation.

Integration with Existing Systems

Your chosen PIM solution should seamlessly integrate with your existing software systems, such as ERP, CRM, ecommerce platform and marketing automation tools. Successful integration will help to ensure data consistency, automate data updates and reduce manual efforts. It’s essential to evaluate the ease of integration and any associated costs during your selection process.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows and evolves, your PIM system should be able to adapt and scale to meet your changing requirements. Be sure to choose a solution that can handle increasing data volumes and accommodate additional features and integrations as needed.

Claudia Martins, Business Development Advisor at Bluestone PIM highlights this as a key area to consider:

“Over time, market trends will shift and competition will grow stronger, so businesses will also need to adapt and change. So when choosing a PIM, companies need to check how easily the PIM help them adapt to those changes and how can it support their growth into the future.”

User-Friendliness and Customisation

Choose a PIM system with an intuitive user interface and the ability to customise data fields, workflows and reports. This will ensure that your team can quickly adopt the new technology and that the system aligns with your specific business needs.

Data Security and Compliance

Your PIM system should offer robust security features to protect your sensitive product data. Additionally, consider whether the solution complies with data protection regulations relevant to your locations and target markets.

Vendor Support and Training

Quality customer support and training resources can be critical for successful PIM implementation. During your selection process, consider the level of support provided by each vendor, as well as any available training materials and resources.

David Alarcón, Ecommerce Specialist at Plytix comments:

“Onboarding to a new platform can be challenging, and making sure your new PIM platform has complete support during this important phase will make a big difference. Instead of a long and time-wasting process, a good PIM provides a process that will help the people (that will work with this tool) feel more confident and prepared to face challenges regarding product information management.”

Comparing PIM System Options

With a clear understanding of your business needs and a list of essential features, you can begin researching PIM vendors and comparing different system options.

Researching PIM Vendors

Start by making a list of PIM vendors that offer solutions aligned with your identified requirements. Consult industry publications, attend trade shows and network with peers to gather recommendations and learn about various vendors.

Dr Pat Violaris, Managing Director at OneTimePIM suggests:

“Retailers should consider several factors when choosing a vendor, including the vendor’s experience and track record, solution scalability and flexibility, ease of use and implementation, integration capabilities and data security and privacy. “

Reading Reviews and Case Studies

Reading product reviews and case studies can provide valuable insights into the real-world performance and user experience of different PIM systems. Pay particular attention to reviews from businesses with similar needs and challenges to yours.

Software review aggregators such as G2 and Capterra can be useful for comparing different providers:

Requesting Product Demos and Trials

Before making a final decision, request product demos and, if possible, trial versions of the PIM systems on your shortlist. This hands-on experience will give you a better understanding of how each system functions and whether it meets your specific needs.

Making the Final Decision

As you narrow down your PIM system options, consider factors such as costs, implementation time and resources, and long-term success with your selected solution.

Evaluating Costs and ROI

Compare the licensing and implementation costs of different PIM systems, as well as any potential hidden expenses, such as data migration, integrations, and additional modules. Assess the potential return on investment (ROI) for each solution, taking into account improvements in data accuracy, time savings, and increased sales opportunities.

David Alarcón highlights the importance of evaluating the “direct and indirect cost of a tool. Direct cost is the subscription and onboarding costs. Whereas the indirect costs are the costs associated with the time and resources needed for onboarding and the adoption of the platform.”

Considering Implementation Time and Resources

Factor in the time and resources required for implementing each PIM system, as well as the potential impact on your ongoing business operations. Choose a solution with a manageable implementation timeline and minimal disruption to your workflow.

Ensuring Long-Term Success with Your Chosen PIM System

Finally, consider how your chosen PIM system will contribute to the long-term success of your business. Make sure the solution aligns with your company’s strategic goals and offers ongoing support, updates and enhancements to help you adapt to changing market needs and technological advancements.


In conclusion, selecting the right PIM system requires researching and understanding different solutions, assessing your specific business needs and considering factors such as integration capabilities, scalability and vendor support. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision and choose a PIM system that elevates your data management and fosters your company’s success.

Further Reading


What is a PIM system?

A Product Information Management (PIM) system is a software solution that helps businesses manage product information, such as descriptions, pricing, specifications, and digital assets, in a centralised database. It allows businesses to create, store, enrich, and distribute product data to various sales and marketing channels, such as websites, mobile apps, marketplaces, and print catalogues.

Why do retail businesses need a PIM system?

Retailers deal with a large volume of product data that needs to be managed efficiently across various channels to ensure consistency, accuracy, and relevancy. A PIM system can help businesses improve their data quality, reduce errors, speed up time-to-market, enhance customer experience, and increase sales and revenue.

What are the key features of a PIM system?

Some of the key features of a PIM system include:
-Centralised product data storage and management
-Data enrichment and standardisation
-Digital Asset Management (see our guide on PIM vs DAM for more)
-Workflow management and collaboration
-Multichannel distribution and syndication
-Analytics and reporting
-Integration with other systems, such as ERP, CRM and ecommerce platforms

How to choose the right PIM system for a retail business?

To choose the right PIM system for a retail business, consider the following factors:
-Business requirements and goals
-Product data complexity and volume
-Integration needs with existing systems
-Budget and pricing model
-Vendor reputation and experience
-User-friendliness and customisation options
-Customer support and training
-Scalability and future-proofing

What are some popular PIM systems for retail businesses?

Some of the popular PIM systems for retail businesses include:
Akeneo, Salsify, inRiver, Pimcore, Plytix, Bluestone PIM, OneTime PIM, Contentserv. These are just a few examples, and businesses should evaluate each system based on their specific needs and requirements. You can search for more on software review aggregator sites such as G2 and Capterra.

Can a PIM system benefit small retail businesses?

Yes, a PIM system can benefit small retail businesses by enabling them to manage their product data more efficiently, increase their online visibility, and improve their customer experience. However, small businesses should choose a PIM system that aligns with their budget, scalability, and integration needs. Some PIM vendors offer flexible pricing and cloud-based solutions that can be more affordable and easier to implement for small businesses.
