Partnering Your ecommerce Store With A Nonprofit

ecommerce Store With A Nonprofit

Consumer interest in corporate giving is at an all-time high, with buyers transforming the economic landscape to account for a positive social impact. As ecommerce grows more popular, business owners would be remiss to ignore the opportunities associated with nonprofit partnerships. 

Of course, it may appear daunting to those who don’t know where to begin. These recommendations offer guidance on conducting business for a cause.

Consumers Driving a Social-Centric Economy

Current events, from climate change to racial injustice, have consumers leaning toward social and environmental change. Today, 76% of UK consumers want brands to meet them halfway toward sustainability — another 30% are willing to switch to brands that uphold their social responsibility.

It’s evident that corporate social responsibility (CSR) isn’t just some fad. Companies are under immense pressure to demonstrate a commitment to people and the planet if they hope to succeed.

Consumers are also equally wary of CSR intentions — about 75% of buyers believe companies merely try to make themselves look good by donating rather than wanting to make a difference. This skepticism forces brands to prove their contributions and commit in real-time rather than simply communicate their efforts.

Amid the economic slowdown, nonprofits are also trying to navigate traditional giving, presenting an opportunity to partner your ecommerce store with various organizations. Projections estimate that nonprofits will receive $12 trillion by 2045 as the generational transfer of wealth ends up in the hands of Millennials and Gen Z — two demographics spearheading CSR.

An ecommerce business and nonprofit partnership can mutually benefit from each other — you’ll receive the CSR reputation your company needs to generate consumer favour as nonprofits keep up with their financial demands to conduct their work.

5 Easy Ways to Partner With a Social Cause

Teaming up with a nonprofit is a good look for your business. If you’re interested in partnering your ecommerce store with a cause close to your heart, these five easy strategies can help. 

  1. Collect Donations From Sales

Once you’ve selected a nonprofit to partner with, make it easy for consumers to donate by including a donation request at the checkout. A donation request could prompt consumers to add $5, $15, $25 or higher for a cause or allow them to put in their own amount. 

Of course, ecommerce stores can also donate a portion of their proceeds to their chosen charities. Holding a donation campaign should consistently exhibit how consumer participation makes a difference. 

  1. Communicate Efforts

Effectively communicating your ecommerce store’s social cause is essential for inspiring involvement. Consider adding a “Social Impact” page to your website with your nonprofit partnership’s story. Why does this cause matter to your business? 

Highlighting your business’s measurable impact on a specific cause is equally important — for example, through social media posts or email communication. When you set up an auto-reply message to thank customers for their purchases, consider including in the email how sales proceeds will go toward the cause.

  1. Integrate Social Responsibility

Your ecommerce store should seek to embody social responsibility wherever possible. In addition to partnering with an environmental organization, you can highlight your commitment to sustainable operations and packaging.

Studies show that 86% of consumers under 45 are willing to pay extra for eco-friendly packaging to better align with their environmental values. This also indicates that your business isn’t just raising awareness about a cause but taking action to make a positive impact.

  1. Connect Your Mission to a Cause

Another way to partner your ecommerce store with a nonprofit is to connect your overall mission with the cause — this requires refining your mission statement to one that empowers consumers.

The company’s mission isn’t a one-time marketing campaign. Consumers should recognize that your ecommerce store exists through cultural, social and environmental change over profits. Likewise, they can share your values and support your cause when they buy from your store.

  1. Partner With Different Charities

Instead of taking on one cause, you may decide to partner with numerous charities across different social impacts, such as nonprofits focused on deforestation, creating opportunities for children in low-income communities, saving endangered species or advocating Fairtrade practices.

You can appeal to several consumer interests when you partner alongside different nonprofits. It also gives consumers more options for giving back to various causes.

Giving Back Is Good for Business

Partnering your ecommerce store with a social cause will boost your reputation for generosity and encourage consumer loyalty to your brand. It can also set you apart from other ecommerce sites and encourage new customers to buy from you.
