First Impressions Count: How To Create A Memorable In-store Experience

How to create a memorable in-store experience

Since tech has been at the heart of our shopping experiences for many years now, physical stores have had to work hard to reinvent themselves and deliver something that convenient online shopping can’t. The general consensus is that in order to compete with digital alternatives, physical stores need to deliver memorable in-store encounters that take the customer on a journey. For brick-and-mortar stores looking to make an impression, here are a few ways to create that all-important shopping experience. 

Set the right mood

As everyone knows, setting the right atmosphere is incredibly important, and that’s no less the case when it comes to in-store experiences. In fact, studies suggest that ambiance is more important than location and even customer service. Setting the right mood with calming background music, cohesive colour themes and strategically-placed products will ensure that customers are treated to a warm welcome and passersby are encouraged to step inside. Dimly lit rooms, cluttered floors and loud music can all be off-putting to customers, so these should be avoided for the best ambiance. You also want staff to be friendly and inviting, but also helpful in offering suggestions or answering questions. 

First impressions start at the door

So many businesses place all their focus on the shop floor when creating in-store experiences, and while that’s a large part of the shopping journey, you don’t want to neglect the exterior of your property either. The outside of your commercial property is just as important as the inside, if not more so when you consider foot traffic. As one leading commercial cleaning company argues, “First impressions are critical and the external appearance of commercial premises, particularly in busy urban areas with a high degree of pollution, is paramount. Regular external cleaning to windows, cladding, fascias and soffits creates a professional image for your customers”. 

Make it child-friendly where possible

Many families will shop together, but they’ll often prefer the online shopping experience because trying to navigate a physical store with small children in tow can be a challenge. So if you can make your store more accessible to families, it’s a huge advantage and can encourage people to shop in-store over a website. This won’t work for every brand, naturally, but if there are opportunities to create a space for children to play or read while parents shop, such as you might find in banks, this can greatly increase the likelihood of those families coming back to make purchases in the future. Likewise, a calming environment that’s quiet and relaxing, and easy to walk through with prams, will really encourage families to shop in your store. 

Improve the checkout experience

Shoppers want to be able to make purchases fast, and that’s one of the advantages that online shopping has over in-store experiences. No-one wants to have to queue for long periods to buy an item, so improving the checkout experience in your store is one of the quickest and most effective ways you can enhance the whole shopping process for your customers. From self-checkouts to making sure that there are always multiple registers open, particularly during busy periods, will really help. Similarly, having a member of staff pre-scan items or direct the flow of people coming in and queuing will make all the difference. Staff can send digital receipts to cut down on wait times and paper wastage, as well as accept numerous payment options for convenience. 

Create visually engaging displays

Visual merchandising is something that can’t be replicated online, so make it count. It’s the perfect way to present your brand in the right way and give shoppers something unique and memorable. Make the most of seasonal displays, keep them uncluttered but interesting, and make sure that they’re changed out regularly throughout the year so that customers always have something fresh and exciting to look at. The more inventive and engaging you can make your visual merchandising, the more likely you are to attract people into your store on a regular basis. 

Be a tech-forward brand

Just because you’re a physical store doesn’t mean you need to eschew technology entirely. In fact, technology can work wonders to enhance an in-store experience, whether it’s interactive screens that shoppers can use to find an item or place an order, to demo videos throughout the shop floor that help customers make the right purchasing decisions. Merging online and physical stores can take a standard shopping experience to a new level, while also being more convenient for the customer. 

Provide a hands-on experience

A store where every item is kept locked away feels stilted and uncomfortable, and that doesn’t make for a great shopping experience. People want to be able to see how a pair of sunglasses will fit on their face shape, how headphones feel or whether a chair is comfortable to sit on, without just relying on purchaser reviews. And to gain answers to these questions, they need to be able to touch the items you’re selling. 

Having products accessible that customers can try out is one of the primary benefits of shopping in-store over an online purchase, so make sure that it’s clear to shoppers that they can touch and try out these items for themselves. Offer testers and demos, make sure that tech items are plugged in and charged, and remind staff to encourage shoppers to try things out when they’re browsing for a hands-on experience. It’s a retail experience that keeps customers returning, and a wonderful way to make shoppers feel comfortable in your store. 

There are some customer experiences that online stores simply can’t match, so take the time to identify what your store can provide customers with that they can’t find on a website. Appeal to all the senses, give them the opportunity to try products out before they buy and make your store a welcoming and relaxed environment that all shoppers can enjoy. If you can achieve that, you’ll find that customers are more likely to return to your store for the unique experience your brand can offer.
