Air Quality: The Importance Of Clean Air For Your Business

air quality

This summer, the UK recognised Clear Air Day which highlighted the urgent need for businesses to evaluate and address the quality of air in their workplaces. With indoor air pollution linked to decreased health and productivity among employees, as well as poorer experiences for customers, Clear Air Day marks the perfect opportunity to take a fresh look at your company’s ventilation, filtration and air purification systems.

The benefits of investing in clean indoor air are multifaceted, from reduced absenteeism and heightened focus among employees to satisfied staff and enhanced customer retention – all of which increase profitability. This article explores the many ways that improving air quality creates a better environment for your business and its people. The time is now for companies to breathe new life into their spaces by prioritising cleaner air, not just for the sake of employees’ health, but also to maximise productivity and growth.

The problems of poor air quality

Poor indoor air quality contributes to a myriad of health issues that hamper productivity. Employees breathing contaminated indoor air are more prone to headaches, allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivities

Coughing, fatigue and increased sick leave are also side effects of unhealthy indoor air. A recent study found that office workers in environments with poor ventilation had higher rates of upper respiratory symptoms. Beyond physical ailments, bad indoor air quality also negatively impacts cognitive function, focus and emotional wellbeing. 

Workers in offices with poor ventilation and filtration systems report more difficulties concentrating, diminished mental acuity, and overall lower morale. These health and performance consequences of indoor air pollution result in higher absenteeism and lower quality work, costing businesses money while hampering staff satisfaction.

HVAC systems and air purifiers

The most effective way for businesses to improve their indoor air is by investing in high-quality HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems. HVAC systems allow control over filtration, ventilation rates, humidity and temperature to optimise air quality. High-performance filters like HEPA remove airborne particles like dust or allergens, while activated carbon filters help absorb gases and odours. Keeping ventilation rates high dilutes indoor pollutants by exchanging indoor air with fresh air from outside. 

Newer HVAC technologies like bipolar ionisation also actively disinfect circulating air. Standalone commercial air purifiers offer supplemental filtration for problem areas. Regular maintenance like changing filters and duct cleaning ensures HVAC systems perform optimally. While upgrades require an upfront investment, the long-term benefits to employee health and satisfaction along with higher customer retention make clean indoor air well worth the cost for any business.

Enhanced focus and performance

Indoor air pollution hampers cognitive function and performance for workers. Studies link poor ventilation and air quality to reduced mental alertness and impaired focus. Workers in offices with cleaner air demonstrate better concentration levels, information retention, decision-making ability and even creativity. 

Conversely, higher CO2 levels and other air impurities make it harder for employees to focus for extended periods without fatigue or errors. This directly lowers productivity on both mental and physical tasks. However, improved air quality boosts cognitive performance on key workplace skills like numerical calculations, proofreading, multitasking and memory recall. 

Workers in optimised indoor environments complete tasks faster with greater accuracy. For businesses that rely on human capital, investing in cleaner indoor air translates directly to enhanced employee output and efficiency.

Healthier and happier employees

Clean air in the workplace provides tangible health benefits for employees by reducing the risk of illnesses like allergies and asthma. Studies have shown that improving indoor air quality in offices can significantly reduce sick leave. 

Beyond physical health, clean air also boosts morale. Employees feel more valued when companies invest in creating a healthy work environment. Improved air ventilation has been linked to higher job satisfaction as well as reduced stress and anxiety levels. The benefits are strongest when employees have control over things like opening windows or adjusting airflow at their own desks. 

The overall benefits of clean air keep workers healthier and happier, reducing absenteeism while making employees more productive in the office.

The customer experience

Poor air quality not only impacts employees but also creates a worse experience for customers. Research shows that air pollution indoors negatively affects how consumers perceive the environment. Customers in spaces with cleaner air report more positive service encounters versus those in locations with subpar air quality. 

Environments with better ventilation keep customers more alert, comfortable and likely to stay longer whilst shopping. This leads to increased sales. Cleaner air also leaves customers with positive impressions that make them more likely to return frequently and recommend businesses to others.

Prioritise indoor air quality 

Indoor air quality has a substantial impact on the health, productivity and satisfaction of both employees and customers. Poor ventilation, filtration and air purification create environments that increase illness, impair focus and hamper sales. 

Conversely, clean air reduces absenteeism, sharpens mental acuity, boosts morale and provides a better overall experience. Upgrading HVAC systems, adding air purifiers and optimising ventilation offer solutions tailored to the needs of different workspaces. While improving air quality requires an investment, the multitude of benefits for staff and customers make it a smart business strategy. 

Companies should take time to evaluate their indoor environments and develop plans for providing cleaner air. Prioritising this cements a commitment to employee well-being and customer satisfaction. The results will be a healthier, happier and more productive workforce along with lasting positive impressions that build customer loyalty.
