Increase Footfall and Brand Awareness With Your Shopfront

Shopfront sign

A shopfront should do more than just look good. A good shopfront should be representative of a companies brand, be informative and most importantly, draw potential customers into a business.

The shopfront is an important feature of a store. Often, a customer’s first impression of a company can decide whether they want to use the business. One bad experience, or even just a bad feeling, is enough to dissuade consumers from a brand.

A good shopfront should be aesthetically pleasing, unique and display a brand’s products and services. Allow UK Shopfront to discuss how a business can design a shopfront for their brand.

Choosing a material

It is important potential customers can tell what a business does. The UK retail market is competitive. If a consumer can’t tell what your business does from seeing your shopfront, they are likely to walk past the store and opt for a competitor instead. Although differentiation from competitors is important, there are certain shopfront designs which suit specific industries.

Aluminium shopfront

Aluminium shopfronts are ideal for businesses which look to offer more privacy or a sense or mystery. It is also a popular choice for small shops, such as convenience stores. This can allow retailers to promote offers and advertisements, as opposed to exhibiting products and merchandise.

Glass shopfront

Businesses which wish to display their products to entice consumers into the store operate using glass shopfronts. This includes luxury, high-end stores. Placing the latest and most popular merchandise on display works as an effective form of marketing for these brands. Customers outside of the store can view what the shop has to offer without entering the store. If the merchandise catches their eye, they are more likely to enter.

Signage and displays

Signage is an effective way for stores and other businesses to display advertisements and other information. Passersby won’t have enough time or patience to stop and read every sign which they pass. Text and images on the signage should be high resolution. This is so consumers can read the information from close up, a distance, or as they are walking past. Signage may not attract shoppers into and business right away, however, if the display is effective and sticks in the customer’s mind, they could return in the future. Signage should also aim to match the appearance of the existing shopfront, to reflect and complement branding.

Colour scheme

Standing out to an extent is important with a shopfront. The aim is to grab consumers’ attention, however, anything too outlandish can deter people. Choosing a different colour scheme to competitors makes sense, however, if there are no competitors nearby, or on the same road as a business, it’s more important to choose a different colour scheme to the surrounding buildings. Although they may not be in direct competition in terms of products and services, standing out is important if passersby are to notice your business rather than theirs.

Lighting display

Shopfronts should also utilise lighting arrangements over the merchandise on display and promotions. Spotlights are effective at highlighting certain parts of a shopfront, gaining the attention of customers from far away.

Lighting also helps shopfronts stand out from competitors at night time and during winter, making the building seem warmer and more welcoming.

Marketing and promotions

Marketing products and services effectively is a proven method of enticing consumers into a business. Any special offers or promotions should be displayed appropriately.

Boutiques, for example, should utilise mannequins to merchandise seasonal clothing items and accessories. Furniture stores can make the most out of glass shopfronts to replicate makeshift living areas, using new products or even items on the final sale.

Any businesses which focus on services rather than physical products should display promotions, such as discounts and special offers. Businesses should be sure to remove or replace promotions which are out of date. This could cause disputes with customers trying to use the promotion, effecting a companies reputability. If consumers notice the promotion is out of date, they may assume the store is outdated and unorganised, which could affect their opinion of the store in future.
